2015년 12월 21일 월요일

Last Chance Harvey 2008

Somewhere along the way, I just lost her.
I woke up one morning, and I realized that I didn't belong in that house.
You know, I always had this feeling in my stomach that they were a bit embarrassed by me.
I mean, if you see them now with Brian, my daughter's stepfather, you know, they just it just makes more sense.
I mean, they really look right together. 
And I was not a great father.

I was pregnant once. Didn't have it. I mean...I didn't think twice about it. That's what smart girls did. 
Yeah. I do...I do sometimes wonder, you know, whether they would be funny or clever or...

You don't know anything about me.
Look at me. I mean, it's pathetic.
I actually expected you not to show.
In fact, I think I actually almost wanted you not to show because it's just sort of easier that way.
You know, you just dive in there. You just whoosh anywhere. It's the deep end, and I'm not a bloody swimming pool, Harvey, and I'm not- I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it because it'll hurt.
Sometime or other, there will be you know, it's not working, or I need my space, or whatever it is, and it will end, and it will hurt, and I won't do it. I won't do it, and I won't... You see, what I think it is I think I'm more comfortable with being disappointed. I think I'm angry with you for trying to take that away.